Pure Haven Essentials

Posted On: Saturday, October 1, 2016

Did you use shampoo aimg_3477nd conditioner today? How about lotion, makeup and styling products? I bet you’ve already washed your hands with soap about 5 times already too! Unfortunately, many of these common products have toxic chemicals lurking in them.

  • Why? Because manufacturers are allowed to put anything they want in our products, and worse yet, they can contain these harmful chemicals and still label them as “all-natural”, “green”, “plant based” and even “nontoxic”. When you go to the store to restock your shelves, you assume that what you are buying is safe, right? Or why would they sell it? Well guess what?
  • There is no FDA oversight for personal care products, or for supplements and essential oils for that matter. What does that mean for you? That nobody is looking out for you to make sure that what we are using everyday is safe for us.

According to the Environmental Working Group, the average women is exposed to over 168 toxic chemicals before even leaving the house in the morning. Our skin is our largest organ, and what we put on our skin goes straight into our bodies. Its pretty scary.

There is some good news here.

  • The Presidents Cancer Panel states that cancer is only 5% genetic, and 95% environmental. That means that we all have a HUGE amount of influence on our health. It is impossible to eliminate all toxic exposure, but why not make safe choices where we can? It is super important to know how to read an ingredient label. You need to know what to look for so that you know what to avoid. Thats where I come in!

I have a comprehensive list of some of the worst offenders that you can refer to anytime you are making a purchase. And even better than that…my business, Pure Haven Essentials, has a full line of skincare, haircare, essential oils and house cleaning products that are truly non-toxic and safe. We have taken the guesswork out of it and made sure that the ingredients are the safest and most effective for you,while remaining affordable too!

  • I started at Pure Haven 2 years ago. I typically would read food ingredient labels, but it never occurred to me to read other product labels.

I was absolutely stunned (and pretty mad) when I found out that there was no FDA oversight on the things I was slathering all over my body (and on my kids) every day. So, I’ve made it my mission to educate as many people as I can so that we all have the knowledge to make healthier choices. When we know better, we do better. I am also a trainer and coach helping others to do the same.

  • I cannot be in everyone’s living room so I’m looking for others who are interested in making this world a healthier place. If this resonates with you, let’s talk!  Christa’s Website

Join Christa at the Dream Factory Luncheon on October 20th, 11:30-2pm.
